Friday, March 25, 2016


Say what you want about Bernie Sanders views or policy ideas, of course not everyone is going to agree with everything he says. However, there is one thing about him that NO ONE can deny, his character as a HUMAN BEING. He stands head and shoulders above any candidate running in terms of honesty, integrity, ethics, judgment, authenticity and really caring about people. He is not your typical politician and is something we have never seen before and probably will never see again. So for everyone complaining about not having anyone to vote for and being sick of the lying and corrupt politicians, now is your one chance to support the one who isn't. Why Bernie is different:

  • He isn’t a pathological liar, showing us politicians can actually be honorable and trustworthy.
  • He isn’t owned by corporations or big money. His only allegiance is to the people, which he fights for every day.
  • He also doesn’t come from money. His parents and his family know what it’s like to struggle and work hard, like most of us do, in hopes to make it. Other candidates have no idea what it feels like to struggle a single day in their life. 
  • He is humble. He treats everyone with respect. He doesn’t resort to personal attacks.
  • He doesn’t say things just for attention or publicity. He actually walks the walk and truly believes in and practices what he says. Side note: corporate media hardly even covers his campaign.
  • He is not trying to force religious beliefs on everyone. Which shouldn't even be a thing I admire, but a certain party seems to think it is okay to do.
  • He has been consistent on major issues throughout his entire life, he doesn’t FLIP FLOP! He has fought against income inequality his entire life. He has fought for the middle and working class his entire life. He has fought for and defended the rights of African Americans, women, LGBT, elderly, disabled, and the less fortunate his entire life. He has done more to help veterans than any other candidate by far. He has attacked corporate greed and corruption his entire life. His concern for the environment and the future has never changed. And he would continue to fight for these things when he is President!
  • He has wisdom and good judgment: He strongly opposed and voted against the Iraq war. He warned us about the financial collapse of 2008 and was against the Wall Street bailout.
  •  He isn't aligned with either party. He disagrees with both democrats and republicans on certain issues and is the longest serving independent in congress.
  • He has been on the right side of history his entire life and he will continue to be on the right side of the future.
People like to call Bernie radical, crazy, loony etc. and I would agree, because it is crazy to actually have a politician that is honest, authentic, and caring. They also criticize him before they even look at any of the details in his policies. Now, I know the media and republicans like to use fear and scary words when talking about him, but many of his ideas and views are pretty rational and mainstream and SHOULD have a lot of bipartisan support. Just a few for example:
He is anti-establishment, against the two party system and current political process, wants money out of politics with campaign finance reform and overturning citizens united, eliminate corporate welfare, close corporate tax loopholes, break up the big banks that are "too big to fail" and reinstate Glass-Steagall, enact Wall Street reform and tax speculation, end for-profit prisons and mandatory minimum sentencing, opposes trade agreements (TPP, NAFTA, CAFTA, etc.), protects individual freedoms (against NSA for example), pay equality- equal pay for equal work, fix a rigged economy that only is benefiting the top 1%, oh decriminalize and legalize marijuana and end the war on drugs.
Bernie’s ideas are not radical and are not just about helping the less fortunate, they are about helping everyone. Investing in education and healthcare are both ways to truly progress as a country. There is a reason numerous people from every aspect of life have came out and supported Bernie Sanders. Many economists have even agreed with Bernie’s economic plan and have endorsed him as their candidate. So, again if you don't agree with his policies I can understand, but having a president of his character is what this country needs! Bernie Sanders 2016.