Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Voting Rights vs Gun Rights

It is sad it is easier to buy a GUN in this country than it is to VOTE.

It is sad it is easier to go on a mass murder spree than it is to elect a person you want to represent you in office.

It is sad one party ridiculously defends GUN rights, while also tries to take away peoples basic right to VOTE.

It's sad one party claims to value the constitution, but only when it benefits them. (Gun rights mentioned once, voting rights five times)

It's sad people are more concerned about VOTER FRAUD (from 2000-2014 found just 31 incidents. about .00000013 percent of all votes cast) than GUN DEATHS (280,024 in last decade)

Total deaths from voter fraud=0

Republicans don't want ex felons to ever be able to vote, but have no problem trying to restore their right to buy a gun again.
The NRA an gun stores only care about power and money. They profit every mass shooting as scared people go run to buy more guns. No one profits off people that vote.

Mass Shootings

Done debating, just making something clear:

An AR-15 was used in the Sandy Hook shooting in Newtown, Connecticut 2012 (killing 20 children, 6 adults). An AR-15 was used in the 2012 Aurora, Colorado theater shooting (killing 12 people, injuring 70). An AR-15 was used in the 2015 San Bernardino, California shooting (killing 14 people, injuring 22). An AR-15 was used in the 2015 Umpqua Community College shooting in Oregon (killing 9 people, injuring 9) and 2016 at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, now the deadliest mass shooting in history, an "AR type rifle" was used (killing 49 people injuring 53).

Find the common denominator. These sick cowards all LEGALLY obtained the style or variant, of the semi-automatic AR-15 rifle to commit these terrible acts. The most logical response from the right, gun manufactures, and stores, would be not only increase production and sales of this gun, but also make it as easy as possible for anyone to get one. They are profiting off of every mass murder that happens. I can think of two reasons normal civilians need an AR-15: Trying to heavily overcompensate for having low T or going on mass murder sprees. Sadly, these tragedies will continue, as you can see, becoming more frequent and more lethal. Parties today can't even agree on keeping people that are on the No-Fly List from buying guns. Help us.

Your Vote Matters

Here's an idea:
Directly voting for a candidate... Just kidding, what kind of democracy would that be? Here in America, we do it right! Just follow these steps:
First, you'll need to vote for someone to actually vote for you, but that person you voted for will need to find a delegate able to vote for him, which keep in mind, is voting for you. Then that delegate, the person you voted for selected, will be able to vote on someone who can represent them, I mean you, who will finally choose the candidate you wanted, months later at the party convention. Or not, because they really aren't required to vote the way the people originally wanted, especially if the vote would go to a second ballot. I mean it all makes sense to me. I guess the best way to improve our democracy would be like... having a voting telephone game. As soon as the new President is elected, we can start voting on people, to vote on other people, to vote on certain people, to vote on a select people, to vote for us in the next election and hopefully by the last person, they chose the correct candidate you wanted in the first place. However, since that is so simple, we do also have more "important people" choose who should actually win. These are people in which no one elected, that will have significant delegates, which will be able to basically control the outcome of any election. So, there you have it, a slightly over-exaggerated, way you nominate a candidate. Our entire voting system needs reformed, not just the primaries and caucuses, but also in November when we have to go through it all again, with the electoral college. Your vote continues to mean less and less. The people in power will do anything to win an election, for example:

Gerrymandering districts, creating new voter ID laws, closed primaries (not allowing the largest body of people, Independents, to vote), requiring early registration, reducing polling places and ballots, misreporting precincts, having ridiculous waiting lines, changing polling hours, states only having caucuses, altering rules after votes, and as I mentioned earlier, the entire idea of Superdelegates, would be infringing upon our most basic and essential right as people. No, not The Second Amendment, sorry ammosexuals, but you would think there would be similar uproar. They are coming to take all of our votes away I tell ya!

It's no wonder people have given up on the political process and why we have one of the lowest voter turnouts among all developed countries in the world.

But remember your VOTE, for someone to vote for you, MATTERS. This great democracy would never try, in so many different ways, to suppress YOUR VOTE, for someone to vote for you.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Why Marvel's Captain America Civil War Was a Disappointment


Please do not read any further if you haven't seen the movie, not that there is too much to spoil.
It seems like I may get a lot of opposition for my opinion on this movie, but that's exactly what it is, my opinion. You are free to disagree. 

So, I saw Captain America Civil War opening night with a group of my friends. I am not a huge nerd, I don't read the comics, and I don't usually have too much to say about Marvel movies, but there is a first for everything. With the amount of hype this movie got, you would think it was even better than what people were saying over and over again; Which is "This is the greatest Marvel movie ever made!" To me, this may not even be the best Captain America movie ever made. So, here is a list of the issues I had with the movie:

  • THE TEAMS WERE NOT EVEN CLOSE TO FAIR: on paper Team Iron Man should have easily beat team Cap. Team Iron Man includes: Stark, War Machine, Black Widow, The Vision, Black Panther, and SPIDER-MAN. Team Cap: Rogers, Bucky, Hawkeye, Falcon, Ant-Man, and Scarlet Witch. Starting with Team Iron Man, their weakest link to me was, Black Panther, which isn't a bad weak link to have. To be fair to Black Panther, he was just introduced in this movie, so we have little knowledge of what he can fully do. He does seem to be a great warrior, with extensive training and skills, but what avenger doesn't. What sets him apart though is his suit, which is made from the material Vibranium (like Captain America's shield) and seems to be indestructible. Unfortunately, the coolest thing Black panther will ever be able to do with his suit is scratch somebody to death. Now, lets talk about Vision. He is J.A.R.V.I.S combined with an infinity stone, the most powerful object introduced in the Marvel universe. He is basically a God. He can fly, use the power of his infinity stone to shoot lasers, and he can distort matter, passing through or creating whatever he damn well pleases. He is so powerful I would take him alone, against the entire Captain America team. The problem is I'm not sure Marvel knows how to use him or that they couldn't use him to his full potential during this movie, for he would probably be able to kill/stop everyone. We shall continue though. The Black Widow, who may not have super powers, but is one of the most badass Avengers out of all of them. Powers aside she would kick anyones ass she went up against. She's a deadly assassin that is well trained, smart, and tactical. Team Iron Man also recruited my personal favorite, Spider-Man. I don't know if I was just excited to see Marvel introduce Spider-Man for the first time or fangirling over his awesome fighting style and personality. We all know what Spider-man is capable of, even being a kid. He is no joke. Finally, War Machine and Iron Man. What can't Iron Man do. He is a genius inside a bullet proof suit, with AI assistance from J.A.R.V.I.S that can fly, shoot lasers, repulsor rays, bullets, rockets, heat seeking missiles, basically anything. Then War Machine, who is all that, but with huge cannon added on the back of his suit. Now for Team Cap. A team of three soldiers: two physically enhanced, one with a shield, the other with a metal arm and the last with metal wings. I guess if you were to combine all three of them you could ALMOST make one metal suit that can fly..... sounds familiar. Ant-Man, who I was impressed with, but they used him for about all he was worth, becoming really small, or really big. Team Cap also had Hawkeye, the most worthless avenger, no offense to people who shoot arrows Stephen Amell. I don't think shooting arrows is lame, but when that is basically the only thing you bring to the table and you are going against: two iron suits, a vibranium suit, a god, and your best friend you would never shoot, you are useless in this fight. The only threat on their team is Scarlet Witch. Clearly she is powerful, but even she has limitations and weaknesses that Team Iron Man could expose. RIP Team Cap.

  • Character Flaws: Any movie with this many characters will have a difficult time properly utilizing all of them, but Marvel usually does a pretty good job like they did in this movie. I do question the direction many of the characters went though. Starting with the team captains, they should have been on the opposite side they were actually on. Tony Stark the genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist who loves his freedom and not answering to anybody, wants to be regulated by government and do whatever they ask. Captain AMERICA, who has his own country in his name, if you didn't notice, chooses to oppose his and other countries wishes. Wishes that hope to prevent future catastrophic damages and loss of innocent lives left behind after the Avengers are done. Black Panther- I was looking forward to seeing what the Black Panther was going to be like in this movie. Sadly, nothing "wowed" me about him. He was very average, wasn't very interesting and quite boring. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, he did just lose his father, so maybe a great personality or sense of humor weren't appropriate at the time, but hopefully that changes in the future. Thor and Hulk- The two most powerful and entertaining superheros were not even in the civil war, which could have made it a lot more interesting. Ant-Man who decided to be Ant-Man to prove to his daughter he is not just a criminal decides to join Team Cap and turn into a criminal? The Black Widow- goes against her two BFFs Captain America and Hawkeye to do what she thinks is right, then later changes her mind mid battle to let Cap and Bucky escape? Bucky- just sucks. I will get to it later. Also, how did Stark know Peter was Spider-Man? and why'd he recruit a kid with a bright future, right after being told about the similar bright kid that died, because the Avengers, that he was upset about? 

  • Lame Ending: All the character issues I have previously discussed I could live with and still thoroughly enjoy the movie, what really influenced my opinion on the movie was the storyline. I don't know exactly how the Civil War went it the comics, but it was a little different I am hearing. The "Sokovia Accords" is a international legal document, agreed upon by hundreds of countries, to basically determine when the Avengers would or wouldn't be needed to LEGALLY protect the world. The idea that the avengers have too much power and need to be regulated is actually a realistic and legitimate concern. I see the good arguments for both sides of this. So, after a lot of talking they couldn't come to a unanimous agreement on what to do. Things became more intense as Cap refuses to turn on his buddy Bucky, who forced to do against his will, has done some terrible things. Cap also finds out there may be other enhanced soldiers, like Bucky, that are able to be controlled for dangerous purposes. Stark then takes it on himself to bring in Bucky and whoever else doesn't wish to follow the new superhero law. Of course, the disagreements must come down to beating the hell out of each other. Im not going to lie, the fight scene turned out to be pretty awesome. My one concern was it being anticlimatical. There were no serious consequences, no one died. War Machine did get injured, but an Iron Man knockout injury, was the worse thing that happened after that huge fight. Some members did get arrested for a couple days before Cap later freed them. The war resulted in Cap technically winning because him and Bucky ran away while Black Widow turned on her team and LET them escape. What's ironic is this battle over the Sokovia Accords, ignores everything the Accords were about. It takes place in what seemed like an empty airport and although, no innocent lives were lost, was all the damage done to the area still necessary? Later, Stark also discovers the potentially dangerous enhanced soldiers and decides to screw the government and go help Cap and Bucky. Right as you think Cap, Bucky, and Stark might come together for an epic showdown with these soldiers, the mastermind "villain" in the movie had already killed them all. Instead he shows them a video of Bucky killing Starks parents, against his will again, leading to another brawl between the three. Stark loses. Bucky chooses to go in hypersleep. Cap wants to be buds with Stark still. The end. My problem: THE CIVIL WAR WAS OVER SAVING BUCKY AND THE SOKOVIA ACCORDS. Marvel has now made two huge movies focusing on "Bucky" a character literally no one gives a shit about. Still, the Avengers went to Civil War to save Bucky, then when it is all over he decides to go to hypersleep and become irrelevant again?! What! The rumor was he becomes the new Captain America, which I could have been okay with eventually. Instead, he just goes to sleep till Marvel ruins the Black Panther movie to focus on him again. There was no unexpected twists, no surprises, not even a single build up to future movies, like Infinity Wars, no hints as to what is to come next like they usually do. Nothing significant happened, you could easily not watch this and feel like you didn't miss anything in the next Marvel movies you watch. Also, Captain America acts like nothing happened and wants to work with Stark again. The Sokovia Accords, the other reason they went to war, the biggest supporter Stark, ended up going against anyway. Where does he stand on that now? The best part besides a couple sweet fight scenes was Spider-Man and Hot Aunt May. 

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Dennis Hastert

Enough of the bathrooms LETS TALK ABOUT THIS: Hypocrisy
Former GOP Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert being a CHILD MOLESTER.

  • This was the Republican Speaker of the House! That is the highest position in the United States House of Representatives. That is someone the Republican party choose to represent them. That is someone they respected, someone they trusted. Someone with the power to influence many lives. 
  • Lately you have Republicans going nuts over these bathrooms, concerned their kids MIGHT be sexually assaulted by trans people, since that happens so often. Meanwhile, their former Speaker of the House has ADMITTED TO MOLESTING CHILDREN and I haven't heard a peep from anyone. Maybe because they know these are the actual people most likely to abuse your child: older, white, males aka the entire republican party. 
  • In fact, the same type of people are actually trying to defend Dennis Hastert. 41 members of the GOP have written letters to DEFEND his character and ask for LENIENCY. 
Tom Delay (former House majority leader) wrote: "We all have our flaws, but Dennis Hastert has very few. He is a good man that loves the lord. He gets his integrity and values from Him. He doesn’t deserve what he is going through. I ask that you consider the man that is before you and give him leniency where you can.”
So, being a serial child molesting, pedophile, monster, he shouldn't be rightfully punished because: "he loves the Lord"!?!

  • This scumbag is only getting a fine and 15 months in federal prison for financial misconduct (paying the victims he molested hush money) because the statue of limitations for his criminal conduct of sexual abuse had expired. 
  • The history of hypocrisy: What makes this all so disturbing is that Dennis Hastert became Speaker after Newt Gingrich quit, who was having a extramarital affair. He then was supposed to be replaced by Bob Livingston, until he was also caught having an affair, while finally ending up with Dennis Hastert the pedophile and this was all during the time they were trying to impeach Bill Clinton for getting a BJ.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Bernie Predictions

Once again the corruption, and unethical behavior of the rich and powerful has been exposed thanks to the Panama Papers The leak linked hundreds of politicians and political leaders around the world with acts such as evading millions of dollars in taxes, drug trafficking, human trafficking, and helping fund the war in the middle east.

It shouldn't surprise anyone that this type of illegal activity exists. What is surprising, however, is how extensive and impactful this shell corporation actually was. There was one candidate that had the foresight to see the potential danger that could arise in the Panama trade deal and spoke out against it. This was in 2011, five years before his predictions (and more) were discovered to be true with the Panama Papers. This isn't the first time Bernie has predicted a national or global crisis. Bernie has always been on the right side of history and continues to be proven right time and time again. My fear is that in five or ten years from now, if Bernie doesn't get elected, things will stay on the current path they are on or continue to become worse and we will look back on what Bernie is currently saying and have to admit he was right again. People are afraid of change and progress, until that progress actually happens.

In 1988 Bernie warned us of the potential financial collapse that later happened in 2008

In 1991/2002 Bernie advised us against the invasion of Iraq. He predicted the consequences of the Gulf and Iraq war

In 2011 Bernie predicted the danger of the Panama trade agreement and its path to corruption. In 2016 the Panama Papers confirmed his prediction.

Bernie Sanders’ Prediction About the 2017 GOP's Tax Scam Already Came True

bernie also shifts entire democratic platform from 2016-2018!


So where was everyone else on these issues? When Bernie was given the same information as everyone else and wasn't being told what to say, or NOT say, from special interests, he recognized the possible danger and stood up for the people and country like he always has.

Friday, March 25, 2016


Say what you want about Bernie Sanders views or policy ideas, of course not everyone is going to agree with everything he says. However, there is one thing about him that NO ONE can deny, his character as a HUMAN BEING. He stands head and shoulders above any candidate running in terms of honesty, integrity, ethics, judgment, authenticity and really caring about people. He is not your typical politician and is something we have never seen before and probably will never see again. So for everyone complaining about not having anyone to vote for and being sick of the lying and corrupt politicians, now is your one chance to support the one who isn't. Why Bernie is different:

  • He isn’t a pathological liar, showing us politicians can actually be honorable and trustworthy.
  • He isn’t owned by corporations or big money. His only allegiance is to the people, which he fights for every day.
  • He also doesn’t come from money. His parents and his family know what it’s like to struggle and work hard, like most of us do, in hopes to make it. Other candidates have no idea what it feels like to struggle a single day in their life. 
  • He is humble. He treats everyone with respect. He doesn’t resort to personal attacks.
  • He doesn’t say things just for attention or publicity. He actually walks the walk and truly believes in and practices what he says. Side note: corporate media hardly even covers his campaign.
  • He is not trying to force religious beliefs on everyone. Which shouldn't even be a thing I admire, but a certain party seems to think it is okay to do.
  • He has been consistent on major issues throughout his entire life, he doesn’t FLIP FLOP! He has fought against income inequality his entire life. He has fought for the middle and working class his entire life. He has fought for and defended the rights of African Americans, women, LGBT, elderly, disabled, and the less fortunate his entire life. He has done more to help veterans than any other candidate by far. He has attacked corporate greed and corruption his entire life. His concern for the environment and the future has never changed. And he would continue to fight for these things when he is President!
  • He has wisdom and good judgment: He strongly opposed and voted against the Iraq war. He warned us about the financial collapse of 2008 and was against the Wall Street bailout.
  •  He isn't aligned with either party. He disagrees with both democrats and republicans on certain issues and is the longest serving independent in congress.
  • He has been on the right side of history his entire life and he will continue to be on the right side of the future.
People like to call Bernie radical, crazy, loony etc. and I would agree, because it is crazy to actually have a politician that is honest, authentic, and caring. They also criticize him before they even look at any of the details in his policies. Now, I know the media and republicans like to use fear and scary words when talking about him, but many of his ideas and views are pretty rational and mainstream and SHOULD have a lot of bipartisan support. Just a few for example:
He is anti-establishment, against the two party system and current political process, wants money out of politics with campaign finance reform and overturning citizens united, eliminate corporate welfare, close corporate tax loopholes, break up the big banks that are "too big to fail" and reinstate Glass-Steagall, enact Wall Street reform and tax speculation, end for-profit prisons and mandatory minimum sentencing, opposes trade agreements (TPP, NAFTA, CAFTA, etc.), protects individual freedoms (against NSA for example), pay equality- equal pay for equal work, fix a rigged economy that only is benefiting the top 1%, oh decriminalize and legalize marijuana and end the war on drugs.
Bernie’s ideas are not radical and are not just about helping the less fortunate, they are about helping everyone. Investing in education and healthcare are both ways to truly progress as a country. There is a reason numerous people from every aspect of life have came out and supported Bernie Sanders. Many economists have even agreed with Bernie’s economic plan and have endorsed him as their candidate. So, again if you don't agree with his policies I can understand, but having a president of his character is what this country needs! Bernie Sanders 2016.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Trump Scorecard

There has to be something in here you Trump supporters don't agree with.

  • 40-200 million dollar inheritance from daddy. -he worked so hard for
  • 169 federal lawsuits -not surprising 
  • 5 time draft dodger -such a tough guy
  • 4 bankruptcies, among many other failed business endeavors -doesn't "win" often
  • 3 Marriages, (5 children)  -no comment
  • 2 clothing brands -that manufacture outside United States (China and Mexico) 
  • 1 Giant Ego - he's the best at everything. He doesn't care about anyone but himself

Other honorable attributes:

  • Attacking immigrants, minorities, disabled, women, Muslims, and even recently THE POPE. 
  • Bragging about how he could shoot someone and not lose any support. 
  • Being slightly incestual with his daughter. 
  • Talks about keeping jobs and businesses here, yet has several hotels, real estate, and other significant investments in countries outside the US. 
  • Handles criticism by screaming, yelling, and threatening to sue. 
  • Encouraging countless acts of violence and hate

My Favorites: If you don't have a problem with anything so far you can't deny this..
  • He has been on both sides of every issue! 
  • His policies: to avoid being called out or sounding like a complete idiot, he never gives any specifics, instead he answers with some form of how great he is and that he "wins".

So you love him, while he is everything you claim to hate.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Steps on How to Win a 2016 Republican Nomination:

Step 1. Religion- Express yours much as possible, even if it is all just a sham. Then make clear how you are going to use your specific religion while president to influence the decisions you make for every American... (Being a nation made up of so many different religions and beliefs and most importantly having a separation of church and state.)

Step 2. Refuse any form of science or fact- Especially ones that may disagree with Step 1, no matter how many scientist or experts in their field say otherwise. Simply refuse this because you are paid by, ExxonMobil and others, to do so.

Step 3. Pick someone to blame- This one is probably the easiest for them. For example: Women, African Americans, Mexicans, immigrants, gays, etc. But their all-time favorite scapegoat for causing every problem: "the poor" and of course President Obama.

Step 4. Talk and act like you think these last 7+ years have been some of the worst years in history, thanks to Obama (see Step 3 and Step 2, blaming while ignoring facts)

Step 5. Make clear you are ready to solve any foreign policy issue with immediate military action and war over peaceful alternatives.

Step 6. Call yourself conservative for wanting to save money by cutting Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid, and other important programs, while giving tax cuts to the rich. Then want to increase our, already absurd military spending, which we are spending more than the next 10 countries combined, by billions/ trillions of dollars. (Just in case we need Step 5.)

Step 7. Claim all government involvement is wrong, unless it is telling women what they can do with their bodies or people who they can love. Also, claim to be a strict constitutionalist, but only when they believe it benefits them.

Step 8.* Lie, a lot. (Seen mostly in both parties)

Step 9. Lose the 2016 presidential race to a Democrat.